Asbestos fence removal Perth
At Rapid, we are qualified to remove asbestos-containing fences as part of our residential asbestos removal and commercial asbestos removal projects. If you own a property in Perth, asbestos fence removal is likely a service you will require, thus determining the asbestos removal cost is important.
The original corrugated asbestos fence was by SuperSix manufactured between the 1950s to 1985. Once asbestos was discovered as dangerous, a new non-asbestos fence came out called Hardifence.
The trouble is these two fences look similar, so it difficult to tell if they contain asbestos or not. If your home or office building was built before the 1990s, it is recommended you hire a professional to carry out an asbestos inspection to determine if asbestos removal and asbestos disposal is required.
View pricing for:
Asbestos roof removal, asbestos walls and eaves removal, asbestos ceiling removal or asbestos floor removal.